
2 November 2013

Linux Kernel Hacking -- useful resources


This is my first post, so it's a good place to introduce myself. I'm kele (aka Damian Bogel) and this is my blog. I'm going to post about the things that I find interesting. That's pretty much it. Enjoy!

Recently I've started playing with Linux Kernel. After a summer rich in experience (Google Summer of Code, I strongly recommend taking part in it if you're eligible) I've decided to really dive in to The World of Kernel Programmers.

Although I have some experience with other Unix-like kernel -- illumos, which has great engineers and really cool technologies (ZFS, DTrace), I've chosen to hack Linux. The main reason is that, at present, Linux is a better desktop OS than any illumos-based distro I had tried. Nevertheless, I'll keep my eye on what's going on there, because I'd like to install one some day on my laptop.

Since I don't want to already tell about what I'm planning to do with the Linux Kernel (there will be a post about it soon, stay tuned ;-), I'd like to share some links I've bumped into. They're all kernel-related, and I think that might be useful for newcomers (such as me):

A talk where Greg Kroah-Kartman says why he doesn't want some people's code:

The same guy shows how to make your first contribution:

A nice wiki for people who are new to kernel development:

Thanks for visiting, I hope that you'll come back later. See you!

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